Monday, September 26, 2011

Public Donations

Public Donations

How do you make money obsolete? By believing it is obsolete. By giving it away, freely.

1. Open a Public Donations paypal account.
2. Each month you pay 1$, 2$, 10$, or nothing to this account. Others do the same.
3. Everyone's transaction is public

4. every 60 days, or when money = 100$, decision is made by consensus of the donors of the group, to give money to someone.
examples: kids who need to pay medical bills, people who have no place to sleep, people who have no clothes to wear, or something else
(There can be some other timing, not 100$ or 60 days.)
5. All donors vote. Voting is public, and transparent. Everyone can check the results.

People vote whom to give the money to.
If there is no 100% vote yes, some people may choose not to give their money.
This can be decided by voters, during voting or later. (check here: if vote=fail, keep money.)
If you don't vote, your money is not given away.

6. There should be follow up on the receiver of the money.

7. If someone wants to withdraw his or hers own money from the money library, one is free to do so.
(Paypal transfer fund have to be paid by the donor.)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Reality is a mirror of ourselves.

Reality is a mirror/reflection of ourselves.

Sometimes there is a delay, sometimes it is early. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

what if changes in the past just shifts that to a new timeline. like another ring, outside
but our present stays the same.

"everything that happens was is will always happen"?

don't give them answers, let them find new, better solutions on their own. (students/new workers)

you have to raise your frequency to see the gods?

Schrodinger's world?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

quantum level view

quantum level view? :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

time = radiation?

time = radiation? like game, or IR. Can be seen?
electromagnetic broadcast?

what frequency?

Monday, September 5, 2011

We are all connected.

We are all connected.

We are all one.
We are holograms.


1. we create this "money"

2. we make people want this "money"

3. we make people do what(ever) we want to get this "money"

When in doubt

Ask your heart

Humans are not supposed to worry

Humans are not supposed to worry.

What do you need to survive?
place to sleep.

Everything else is a bonus.
Desirable, but not a necessity.

Clothes we wear, cars we drive, they will all disintegrate, in time. Money too.
Just like material things do.
You can't take it with you anyway :)

So why worry? :)

It is better to have some fun while we are here. Live a little, love a little.
All we need is love..

no TV

TV is bad because it keeps your mind occupied with stupid things. Life of TV stars.
Life of the characters in the soap operas. Life of other people. People you dont't even know, and probably will newer meet.
Show made for you to watch it. What story has to be told in 100 half an hour episodes?
These shows are made to keep you glued to TV, so you don't think about anything else. A sleeping pill. Nice and easy escape from reality.
When you stand up from the couch do you remember what you just watched? Where did last two hours go?

Or Big brother, where there is no content. People volunteer to have other people watch them 24/7?

Commercials that tell you, you will feel better and be more successful if you buy their product. Creating yet another industry.

Candy industry. Sugar. The more you have it, the more you want it. Does that remind you of something?
Movie industry. Keeping you entertained. With mostly violence and stupidity.
Shampoo industry. See natural shampoo.
Deodorant industry. See natural deodorant.
Plastic industry. See hemp.
Oil industry. See hemp, for example. Or alternative fuel. "Who killed the electric car" the movie.
Drugs industry. See natural medicine, hemp oil...
Video games industry. What is the objective in 99% of video games? To kill.

Each new product you just bought will be overcome by newer and better next year.
Do you really need new stuff? Or do you have to have them, just because everyone else has them?

News on tv make you angry at others. Or feeling depressed, sad or lonely. Pushing people into war. Manipulating reality.
Sports make you divide in groups and cheer against eachother.

Read a book. Look up something on the internet. Anything. But don't hang too much around news sites, or entertain-ment sites.
Try various searches on Google. :) Anything that comes up in your mind.

Or go outside with friends.

the act of entertaining; agreeable occupation for the mind; diversion; amusement: Solving the daily crossword puzzle is an entertainment for many.
something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, especially a performance of some kind: The highlight of the ball was an elaborate entertainment.
hospitable provision for the needs and wants of guests.
a divertingly adventurous, comic, or picaresque novel.
Obsolete . maintenance in service.

A major criticism of entertainment is that it diverts people's time and money away from activities that are considered meaningful (volunteering, studying etc.)
For example, watching movies and reading fiction are considered by many to be a waste of time.

the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through the
mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace. The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst
the concerns of the common man (l'homme moyen sensuel).
In modern usage, the phrase has become an adjective to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life.
To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes the triviality and frivolity that characterized the Roman Empire prior to its decline.

Don't spend all your time on entertainment. Especially not on TV. Try some nice music on radio if you have to listen to something.

Classical music
Try listening to some classical music. Here are some recommendations:

Beyonce: Ave Maria :) , I like it

and some more:
Frederic Chopin: Minute Waltz
Ludwig van Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata,
Maurice Ravel: Bolero
George Frideric Handel: The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni: Adagio
TCHAIKOVSKY - "Swan Lake" Theme
Johann Strauss - Waltz Blue Danube

Some compilation like this,
or this this (similar, but not exactly the same).

Water and music
Remember, our body is made up 60% of water.
See the effect different type of energies/music has on water:

Learn. Be creative
Read. Write. Learn. Fire up those neurons. Connect the dots. Make a connection.
Learn something new. Especially now when information is more just a Google search away.
Research. Google.
Create something.

Don't be embroiled in any local story. Of hating, of bad news, of ads. It is just a story. It is only real if you let it be real ;).

Positive five

Each morning, send positive energy to five people you know.
Imagine them smiling, being happy.
By the virtue of this game, you will be changed too. You will be smiling too :)

For added bonus, imagine the planet Earth being happy.
And the send some positive energy to the Sun.
Sun with a smiling face is nothing new.


You can also do this in the evening, before you go to sleep.
Soon you will be sending positive energy to everyone.

Where do you get this energy from? From the Sun, from the Universe, from the planet Earth, and from other people too :).

Make sure you get some light energy & love from the Universe before you send it out.

what if

What if you could live anywhere you want, do anything you want, and your choice would not be limited by money?
What would you choose? What would you do? Where would you go?
Where would you live?

Sunday, September 4, 2011